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The airflow tooth polishing system provides you with a brighter, healthier smile by professionally cleaning your teeth using gentle jets of water and air pressure.

Airflow is a non-invasive treatment combining sodium bicarbonate and water pressure to remove stains, plaque, and soft deposits from on and around your teeth.

How long does the airflow treatment take?

The hygienist usually takes about 30 minutes to clean and polish your teeth.

Why should I use airflow?

Airflow provides you with a more thorough cleaning that traditional methods and also gives you a brighter smile.

People with sensitive teeth find airflow tooth polishing a great alternative to the traditional scale and polish.

Airflow tooth polishing uses pressurised streams of water to clean the interproximal or in-between areas of your teeth and gums that you can’t reach at home. This also makes it an ideal option for braces and other oral appliances.

Call Dentique Specialist Centre on 020 8360 0500 to book an airflow tooth polishing session and experience a fresher, brighter and healthier smile.

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