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The Enlighten Evolution method of teeth whitening guarantees to lighten your teeth by up to 16 shades.

The Enlighten system has a 98% success rate for all patients.

How does the Enlighten Evolution system work?

You will receive custom-made whitening trays fitted by your dentist. You apply the Enlighten Evolution™ gel to the tray and wear it every night for 14 days.

You also must use the special Enlighten toothpaste, containing hydroxyapatite, twice a day when brushing your teeth. This special toothpaste helps repair microscopic holes in your enamel, lowering the sensitivity of your teeth during the whitening process.

After 2 weeks, you require a 40-minute session with your dentist, who will apply a finishing treatment.

After this final phase, the results can last for years depending on your diet, lifestyle and oral hygiene habits.

Please call us on 020 8360 0500 to schedule a teeth-whitening consultation.

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