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If you have an impacted canine, your canine teeth have failed to erupt from your gumline or bone.

You dentist may want an oral surgeon to expose or remove the bone and gum tissue above the tooth, allowing the dentist to guide the impacted canine into place.

Why do your canine teeth become impacted?

Generally, impacted canines are simply a result of the way your mouth and teeth develop.
Canines are very important to proper alignment and function of the rest of your teeth.

What happens if I don’t get an impacted tooth treated?

If impacted teeth are left untreated, you may have long-term problems such as infection, gum disease, or dental cysts.

If you have impacted canines or want to learn more about your treatment options, call Dentique Specialist Centre on 020 8360 0500 for a consultation.

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