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By booking an appointment with your dentist for a home-based tooth whitening session, the Dentique Specialist Centre can supervise using one of our home-based systems.

What are the basic ingredients in tooth whitening?

Tooth whiteners use a bleaching agent, usually varying concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

How does the bleach agent work?

The peroxide formula changes the colour inside the teeth (dentin) and removes stains from your tooth enamel.

Will it work for me?

Tooth whitening works for most people, producing excellent results on your natural teeth. People with very sensitive teeth or decay may be unable to use a whitener. Pregnant women should use caution as the effect of the whitening agent on an unborn or nursing child has not been thoroughly studied.

Tooth whitening will not work on dental restorations.

Using a whitener will only work if your teeth have superficial stains. Your dentist can assess your teeth and advise you as to the probable outcome of using one.

Why can’t I use an over-the-counter whitener rather than going to a dentist?

A dentist can properly assess whether the whitener will work or not for you.

Your dentist can provide you with tested, certified products. Your dentist can also explain in detail how to use the products and will be available to answer all your questions.

Over-the-counter products do not always undergo rigorous testing. The directions also may not be clear and can be easily misinterpreted. If you do not use them correctly you can irritate your gums and the soft tissue in your mouth.

If you are interested in safely whitening your smile, call Dentique Specialist Centre on 020 8360 0500.

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