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Crowns sit on top of a tooth like a cap.

Your dentist uses a crown to restore a tooth’s shape, size, strength, appearance and function. When cemented in place crowns fully encase the visible portion of a tooth.

Why do I need a crown?

A crown is a versatile restoration and dentists recommend them for a variety of reasons. A crown covers a tooth after a root canal. Crowns also hold dental bridges in place and cover dental implants or protect a broken tooth.

If you have a misshapen or cracked tooth, a crown can restore its aesthetic appeal.

What types of crowns are available?

Crowns made of porcelain fused to metal are the most common type of crown. Dentists recommend these durable crowns for use on top of premolar or molars because they can tolerate more chewing force.

All-resin crowns are affordable but are prone to fractures.

All-ceramic or all porcelain crowns provide the best natural colour match and are a good choice for patients with metal allergies. All-ceramic crowns are an excellent option for front teeth because they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

How does a dentist fit a crown?

First the tooth must be cleaned and prepared by filing down the chewing surfaces and sides. After reshaping the tooth your dentist takes an impression of the tooth and the areas above and below the tooth to ensure the crown will not affect your bite. The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory so your crown can be fabricated.

You will be fitted with a temporary acrylic crown to protect the tooth until the permanent crown is ready.

Once the custom crown is ready, your dentist will remove your temporary crown and permanently cement your new crown in place.

How long will my crown last?

Dental crowns can last 5-15 years on average. The life of your crown depends on the material it is made from, your oral hygiene routine and mouth-related habits such as teeth grinding.

Call Dentique Specialist Centre on 020 8360 0500 to learn more about crowns and other tooth restoration procedures or to book a consultation.

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