Root canals become necessary when there is a severe infection of the dental pulp or soft tissue inside a tooth.
Bacteria enters the tooth through a gap in the chewing surface, infecting the pulp and causing decay. This often happens due to traumatic injury or severe tooth decay.
The surrounding gums, teeth, and your jawbone could become infected, causing complications and even tooth loss.
Your dentist will take x-rays to determine the extent of the damage and the shape and size of the soft tissue area inside the tooth.
Using a local anaesthetic to numb the area, your dentist will clean the root canal area, removing any infected pulp, then disinfect it and seal it, using a special filling material.
Once it is sealed, depending on the extent of the damage your dentist will restore the tooth’s functionality using a dental crown or filling.
Once the anaesthetic wears off, you may feel mild discomfort for a day or two. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you manage the discomfort. To prevent further decay, continue to practice good dental hygiene.
If you think you may have a dental pulp infection, call Dentique Specialist Centre immediately on 020 8360 0500 to book an appointment.
Our multidisciplinary team of highly trained and experienced dental professionals can tailor a dental care plan to treat any dental issue our patients may experience.
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